Nutrition and Healing

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


 So many UPDATES!!!  ARE YOU in UTAH, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, ANYWHERE close to UTAH and want to get your C-section SCAR REALEASED for GOOD?  

Well, I want to introduce a New Modality that I am offering for those with c-section scars or any other scars and for Post Concussion Treatment.

    You see, any scars can cause stress or increase stress on the body, causing pain or problems at the scar sight, or affect the organs underneath the scar, affect limbs, muscles (think back , neck or shoulder pain) away from the scar site. Getting them released can reduce pain, increase range of motion, reduce anxiety, and help calm down your nervous system, all so you CAN HEAL!

The modality is Dolphin Neurostim Work  (Dolphin Neurostim).  

 I am super excited for my clients that I have finally found a product and therapy that can safely, painlessly, and effectively release scars including C-section scars!  So many of my clients have various symptoms or issues do to these scars including but not limited to pain, nerve pain, sensitivity, loss of feeling, numbness, decrease muscles activation, saggy skin over the top of it, muffin top as some call it, bladder issues ect.  Dolphin scar therapy can be used to release these C-section scars as well as  ANY surgical scar,  even lung tissue scars ect., muscle or tendon injury scars, and can even promote bone tissue healing. 

In addition, the Dolphin can be used for so many things, that I have used it daily since I got it to help treat so many issues!    

Dolphin MPS work is extremely effective for:

  • pain management (MPS Pain Therapy)
  • Scar Release - surgical, non-surgical
  • reducing anxiety
  • post Covid syndrome
  • Activating the vagus nerve 
  • getting the nervous system under control!
  • Activating accu-pressure points
  • Concussion treatment
As mentioned above, I use the Dolphin for Scar Release which is helpful for

  • Strengthening connective tissue.
  • Mobilizing scars (C-section, tummy tuck, mastectomy, and more).
    • The dolphin can release scars from injuries (even old injuries) in just a few treatments. I have seen it do what years and months of physical therapy and laser bed therapy could not do for restoring wrist mobility. I treated with the Dolphin 12+ years after the injury, giving a 60% increase in mobility and significant increase in her ability to use her wrist increasing her ability to function at home and at work and reduced pain with wrist movement and use, and less compensation and wear and tear on her other joints caused by her wrist's lack of mobility.
    • Release of post surgical scars is equally effective. 
      • i.e. i have seen post carpal tunnel release symptoms that included 35-40% decreased range of motion and soreness and stiffness, be reduced by more than 80% in just two scar release treatments, that normally, might take 4-6 weeks of bi-weekly treatments of traditional PT.  
  • Instant pain relief (as mentioned above)

AS stated before, the Dolphin helps with so many things including:

Treating people Post Concussion:

    This includes helping with cranial release for all the sutures of the skull, as well as helping release the spine (neck and back) and treating a persons major scars .  Using auricular accupressure points and the vagal nerve attachment,  I use the dolphin to help calm down the nervous system and activate the vagus nerve, and when used in combination with the treatments above, we can help the body get the nervous system under control and heal itself.

I also use what I have learned through Concussion Management program and I highly recommend enrolling in the concussion fix program to help educate yourself and to have a community of people that also are learning to take helpful steps towards healing and reclaiming their lives.   

Pain Management: 
    I have used this as a treatment by itself or in conjunction with other treatments to reduce pain and promote healing. Some examples are: to help with re-occurrent back pain,many modalities and techniques including McKenzie method, massage, chiropractic, anti-inflammatory supplements, meds, cupping, lidocaine have been used, but, since treating with the dolphin, the back pain has ceased to re-occur.  I have also used the dolphin with success in treating knee injuries, ankle sprains, high ankle sprains, jammed fingers, headaches, neck pain, whiplash, pain from difficulty with gut dysbiosis and digestion.

Reducing Anxiety: 
I use the Dolphin vagal Nerve stimulating attachment  to help activate the vagus nerve which in turn decreases anxiety, improves digestion, healing, reduces headaches, improves breathing and improves ability to sleep and sleep quality.    This is especially helpful with post covid syndrome, post-concussion syndrome, any chronic condition you suffer from that causes increased anxiety, or just a stressful lifestyle (having a full time job, being a mom, a coach, a boss ect.)

Activating Accu-pressure points
Some examples of this are using the dolphin on accupressure points to treat headaches, anxiety, stress, digestion issues, post-concussion points, to tonify the kidneys and liver post partum, and post liver infection, and for pain. 

I have taken the 

Brain Healing Series Level1–Concussions Tbi course through MPS Therapy Education

Please reach out for pricing and to schedule a session, I am near MT Pleasant UTAH

Also, I am now booking individual and small group clients for  January 2025 for Diastasis Closure: Core Re-training, Posture work (ask about Zoom if you are not local).