Nutrition and Healing

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Mom of 4 closes her gap!

 Being involved with Tami's Diastasis class was incredible. I am a mother of 4 kids and I took the class in hopes of strengthening my core and lower back and also flattening my "mommy pooch". I have been in the fitness industry for about 10 years and I thought I knew a lot about "how to get a flat tummy".

 Boy, was I wrong! Tami taught us so much about the do's and don'ts of exercising that I have changed completely how I work out and my results have been amazing! For the last 6-8 weeks I haven't really done anything drastic in my workout routines nor did I starve myself; I just have been using the proper fitness techniques and exercises that she teaches and brought more awareness to my core and how I move in my daily life. 

Those changes combined with part-time tummy splinting, I was able to shed 2 inches off my waist and went from measuring a 5-6 gap in my tummy down to a 1.75!! I had a pair of jeans that literally were falling off me because my pooch went down so much. I feel so great about myself and am motivated to keep this up so I can continue to strengthen my core and move with more strength and confidence in life. 

Thanks so much Tami!

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

BOISE, ID   MERIDIAN, ID   NAMPA, ID areas  - Lose Your Mummy Tummy Seminar/Workshop

July 2021 Lose Your Mummy Tummy Seminar/Workshop

Nampa, IDAHO

(all 3 classes included in workshop)

(all 3 classes included in workshop)

Class 1: Saturday July17th (9:00am– 12:00pm)

Class 2: Saturday July 31st 2021 (9am– 11am)

Class 3: Saturday Aug 14th 2021 (9am – 11pm)

Classes held in Nampa, ID  Exact address given upon registration

Cost: $125  Contact Instructor to Register: Tami Huber PT  or text 708 466 7237     *This class is for pregnant, post partum and beyond!!

Day 1 Covers:

  • what is diastasis
  • causes
  • who is affected
  • what to avoid in order to heal
  • Tupler Technique 4 step program
  • how to apply program to your life
  • will test each participant for diastasis  
  • help each participant fit and apply a splint
  • will test for core/muscle activation

  • Day 2
    • we will check progress of diastasis after participant has strengthened for two weeks
    • we will assess and correct muscle activation of the transverse and performance of the core exercises
    • we will assess and  correct form and posture with exercises ad well as technique
    • we will learn how to use the transverse effectively with daily movements and with exercising (stretching ,strengthening arms and legs)
    • we will advance the exercises and learn headlifts and double splinting exercise
  • Day3   
    •   we will critique technique of exercises and posture 
    • continue to learn how to incorporate use of transverse and core with whole body exercises  
    • learn multiple ways and postures to perform exercises
    • review double splinting and headlift techniques
    • recheck diastasis and measure progress